Texas Health Center for Diagnostics & Surgery Deploys Germ-Zapping Robot

Xenex LightStrike Germ-Zapping Robot // courtesy THCDS
Xenex LightStrike Germ-Zapping Robot // courtesy THCDS

Texas Health Center for Diagnostics & Surgery (THCDS) is getting creative in the fight against COVID-19. How? Robots.

With the knowledge that hard-to-kill viruses are becoming increasingly resistant to cleaning chemicals, antibiotics and hand sanitizer, hospitals are discovering an additional way to keep patients healthy. The Xenex LightStrike Germ-Zapping Robot kills viruses, bacteria and superbugs, and this robot has been in action for the last few weeks at THCDS.

“Our goal is to provide the safest possible healing environment for our patients. Texas Health Center for Diagnostics & Surgery already has a comprehensive infection prevention program in place, and we are very excited about adding the robot to our infection prevention bundle, which also includes hand hygiene, antibiotic stewardship and education,” shared hospital President Larry Robertson. “LightStrike room disinfection is an additional step we are taking to enhance the safety of our patients, which is our focus and priority.”

The robot uses pulsed xenon, an inert gas, to create bursts of ultraviolet light. This light destroys bacteria, viruses, mold, fungus and spores on any surface within its line of sight. Each robot is highly efficient as it does not require a warm-up or cool-down period, and can completely clean an entire room within 15 minutes. The LightStrike robot has been proven to kill the virus that causes COVID-19 in two minutes.

If you have any concerns surrounding coronavirus, you can always call Texas Health’s Coronavirus hotline at 682-236-7601. You can make an appointment at the Texas Health Center for Diagnostics & Surgery by calling 972-403-2700.

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