Happy snow day Plano! With the weather rocking lows of single digits and a white blanket covering the landscape, here’s a few important reminders from Plano officials about how to stay safe and warm:
Closures due to weather or MLK, Jr. Day:
- Recreation centers
- MLK Parade postponed – TBD
- Animal shelters
- Interurban Railway Museum
- The Nature & Retreat Center at Oak Point Park
- Plano Municipal Center Offices
- Plano Public Library
- Texas Pure Products Regional Composting Site & Custer Road Facility
- Garbage, recycling, brush and bulky item pickup suspended

- City crews have put sand/salt on the intersections, but icy conditions could remain through tomorrow. Take caution while driving.
Keeping Warm:
- 120 people stayed in the Plano Overnight Warming Shelter located at the East Plano Islamic Center (4700 E. 14th Street) last night, and more spots are available tonight for those seeking warm shelter. Doors are open from 6:30-10 p.m.
- The City of Plano recommends remembering the four p’s:
- Protect People by keeping warm, dressing in layers and checking on friends, family and neighbors.
- Protect Pets by keeping them warm, safe and healthy. If you know of an animal being kept outdoors without appropriate shelter, call Plano Animal Services at 972.769.4360.
- Protect Plants by bringing potted plants inside, covering outdoor plants with cloth fabric and watering young trees.
- Protect Pipes by covering outdoor pipes, steadily dripping faucets, opening cabinet doors to allow air to circulate and turning off irrigation systems.