Cheryl Jackson Plans Peaceful Rally in Plano

Residents standing together with Plano law enforcement officers to discuss peaceful change on May 31 // photos Jennifer Shertzer
Residents standing together with Plano law enforcement officers to discuss peaceful change on May 31 // photos Jennifer Shertzer

Law Enforcement Officers, Government Officials, Faith Leaders Urged to Stand with Residents for Positive Change

Speaking live from an impromptu rally at Plano’s Municipal Center yesterday, Cheryl Jackson called for residents of Plano and other Dallas suburbs to join together Sunday, June 7 for prayer and peaceful protest. She also invited law enforcement officers, government officials and faith leaders to stand together with residents in the discussion to foster positive change.

The nation is on fire. Literally and figuratively. Communities across the nation, and the world, have united to protest racial injustice and demand real societal and political change. As ongoing protests and police pushback occur in Dallas, resulting in violence, vandalism and a misappropriation of the purpose of the protests, Cheryl, the founder of Minnie’s Food Pantry in Plano, makes an argument for a preemptive peaceful alternative here in our city.

“They are walking in masks and looting in our cities and turning places upside down,” she said at yesterday’s meeting. “Imagine if they came into beautiful Plano and started knocking down our homes. We’d get outraged then. Let’s get outraged in love before it happens so it doesn’t come our way. Let’s pray over our city before it happens.”

Cheryl “Action” Jackson meeting with concerned citizens May 31 // photos Jennifer Shertzer

Cheryl argued that the best way to protect our community is by holding those accountable who we have elected to office, and asking them to join in peaceful protest with the citizens. “As we the people come together,” she said, “Let’s make sure there are laws that pass that make sure nothing like this ever happens again.”

Plano Police Chief Ed Drain arrived Sunday to voice his concerns to the small crowd gathered. “[What has happened] is a stain on all of law enforcement…What I want to do here, though, is let our community in Plano know what we are trying to do to prevent that from happening.”

Chief Drain spoke of the accreditation processes in place in Plano that set a high standard for officer conduct, including mental health and crisis intervention training. Plano Police Officer Coy Clements and Sergeant Chad Blumrick also showed up to the gathering, expressing solidarity and the desire to learn by listening to the crowd.

As issues of racism and class warfare come marching to cities all across our nation, we have to ask ourselves, “Are we part of the solution or are we part of the problem?” We must decide whether our community is going to be a beacon of hope in this wavering nation or live in the shadow of indifference.

Cheryl Jackson and supporters are planning a peaceful rally at 3 p.m. Sunday, June 7 at Plano Municipal Center. All citizens, regardless of age, race, religion or political affiliation, are invited to come together to pray, honor lives lost to racial injustice and have conversations that foster positive change. Cheryl has reiterated that violence is not welcome at this event. Anyone who wishes to attend is urged to RSVP so that organizers can keep a head count.

“History is watching. It’s time for the community to take action together,” Cheryl said. “It’s time for a change, and change can begin right here.”

June 7 Event Details >
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