Daisy Mae, an 11-month-old Labrador retriever mix, captured our hearts when her human mama Erica Cruz posted a Facebook plea for the public to help find the pooch; Daisy Mae had gone missing following a serious car accident in July. Luckily, Erica’s plea went viral. A group of volunteers organized by Mutts and Mayhem Animal Rescue found Daisy Mae six days after the accident – injured, dehydrated and with a shattered femur.
Plano resident Dr. Sable Murry was Daisy Mae’s attending veterinarian at Summertree Animal and Bird Clinic in Dallas, where she continued Daisy’s intensive care and performed surgery to remove the pup’s irreparable leg.
Dr. Murry, did the extra public attention make you more nervous than usual?
I wouldn’t say I was overly stressed about performing the surgery. I have done several whole limb amputations on a variety of species and had complete faith in myself, my team and, of course, in Daisy Mae.
What was it like working on a case that’s been “in the spotlight”?
It has definitely been an experience I will never forget. It was astonishing to see the outcry of people that came forward to help not only find Daisy Mae but also to help fund her care. Daisy Mae has helped open that door for me to assist other animals in need.
How is Daisy doing now?
As of now Daisy Mae is doing phenomenal, she is recovering beautifully and is very happy to be home. Three-legged pets can live long and healthy lives with minimal adjustment to compensate for their missing limb. You can keep track of Daisy Mae’s progress and photos online.

What led you to become a vet?
I wanted to be a veterinarian since I was a little girl. Whether I was helping to take care of many pets or my FFA livestock projects, I have always been happiest when surrounded by animals.
How many animals a year do you perform life-saving surgeries on?
I would guess well over 100 animals per year. I do a lot of surgeries on exotic animals as well as dogs and cats. Surgery is where my heart lies. Any time the opportunity comes up to do a surgery I always am the first to jump at the chance.
What’s your favorite part of the job?
For me, the best part of being a veterinarian is solving or managing a pet’s health problem – seeing the pet recovering from illness, saving its life or managing a chronic disease so that quality of life is improved.
And what’s the hardest part?
Clientele comment on how euthanasia must be the hardest part of my job. Euthanasia is often a wonderful service to be able to provide to a suffering animal and no longer has an acceptable quality of life. Many times I have developed a personal relationship with not only the pet owners, but the animal as well. Sometimes it is very difficult to not break down and cry during euthanasia.
In my opinion, the toughest aspect of being a vet is seeing an animal with a solvable problem, but no resources to correct the issue. Too often clients enter a veterinary clinic with the expectation that regardless of what they are able to pay, their animal will receive the care it requires. As an animal lover, it is so hard to tell someone that their pet won’t receive that care. It’s even harder to watch that animal walk out the door without the medical attention it needs.
Where can the public donate toward the medical care of animals in need?
Mutts and Mayhem
DFW Rescue Me
Blackland Prairie Raptor Center
Rogers Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Delia you did a fantastic article on my daughter Dr. Sable Murry.. the article just flowed yet was right to the heart of the matter.
The Plano magazine is so blessed to have you writing for them. I am so proud of my only child and how hard she worked at Texas A & M university after going to all Plano schools to get to this point in her career. Thank you ,Scarlett Murry