Plano Declares Public Health Emergency March 16

Received from City of Plano Media Relations on March 16, 2020:

The City of Plano today declared a local state of disaster for public health emergency. Extraordinary changes are required in City operations to help contain the spread of the Coronavirus or COVID-19 within our community.

The following changes will go into effect at the end of business today (5:00 P.M.):

  • The City of Plano will activate the Emergency Operations Center and will operate during normal business hours.
  • All Parks and Recreation facilities are closed until March 27th at which time the closure will be re-assessed.
  • All Library facilities are closed until March 27th at which time the closure will be reassessed.
  • All City Board and Commission meetings, with the exception of Plano City Council, Planning and Zoning and any other meeting required by law, will be postponed until their normal May meeting.
  • All sports leagues in Plano will be suspended through March 27th for practice and play at which time the closure will be reassessed.
  • All citizens are encouraged to watch City Council meetings online and submit comments of public interest or comments on agenda items electronically to the City of Plano City Secretary Lisa Henderson at
  • All meetings at the Plano Event Center, Special Events, and Facility rentals will be offered refunds of deposit and/or fees for events.

Collin County, along with our neighboring Cities of Allen, Frisco and McKinney are expected to make similar public health emergency declarations today. “This is an important declaration for a serious and changing situation,” said Plano City Manager Mark Israelson. “Plano, our neighboring cities and Collin County all recognize the importance of prudent and proactive actions at this time.  We need all citizens and businesses to do their part to prevent the spread of COVID-19.”

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      1. says: Travis

        Have y’all lost your mind?
        do you have any idea how absolutely insane you are to sit there and to say it’s liberals causing this lol?
        You are absolutely stupid.. it’s mind numbing people like you exist..

      2. says: Krishna Pol

        The COVID-19 virus has a 3 percent total average mortality rate influenza has a mortality rate of .1 percent. On too of that we don’t have a cure for this new virus and it spreads tenfold times faster than most influenza strains. COVID-19 also causes TB in older populations. Yes most people are over reacting to this virus but that doesn’t mean we should undermine the virus. The expected infection Percentage if we fail to stop the spread of this virus is 40-70% if proper care isn’t taken there will be mass amounts of casualties.

      3. says: D

        You really sound like an idiot. Praying that you catch it so you your dumbass can see it’s not a joke. I’ve lost someone to this disease & for you to make it about politics is disgusting.

      4. says: GLL

        I work in the health field and whomever you people are that think this is a hoax you are in for a rude awakening. The media has helped with the ridiculous frenzy on TP and other groceries but this is very real and dangerous and the COVID-19 will kill more even in TX than the Flu, any strain.

      5. says: myeloid carr

        why are there not anything put in place for people working in these call centers in plano where they are all confined in small spaces just hit boxes for the plano

    1. says: Clyde

      The Coronavirus is not equal to the flu it’s far deadlier stop equating the two, the reason the flu has more deaths is because it’s been around for much longer than this virus. This virus is brand new but it’s already statistically more deadly than the flu.

      1. says: Jeremy M Vaughan

        Your statement is simply false. It is not even close to being “statistically more deadly than the flu.” I suppose it has the potential to be more deadly – time will tell. But to make this assertion while corona deaths are a fraction of the typical flu, is just moronic.

    2. says: Miv

      300,000 people in plano….omg 10 people infected…declare a disaster. Close restaurants. Bars. Let’s get real and calm the fk down. Toilet paper rations. Paper towels no longer can be bought. Wtf. Do the right thing wash your hands and stay home when sick. And DON’T COUGH near anyone!!!

    3. says: Nate

      But the flu doesn’t kill 400-500 people a day. The flu doesn’t shutdown entry countries. The flu doesn’t force healthcare professionals to choose who they treat and who they have to let die. These are steps to prevent what’s happening in other countries from happening here.

  1. says: Raju

    Moron Jason, It is because it infects more people and kills less in terms of percentages. This thing is different, infected less and killed more, again in percentages, so far.

  2. says: F Jan

    Jason Carrigan…so I guess the whole world has it wrong and we should go with your intelligent assessment of this pandemic. ?

    Bravo City of Plano for taking the necessary precautions!

  3. says: Gregory

    Please read or research a little more…you are right about the flu deaths HOWEVER there are vaccines and knowledge of the influenza a & b but this is new…related yes but still unpredictable and no confirmed vaccines to help…..

  4. says: Micah Easley

    While I don’t disagree that a similar reaction to flu could potentially be helpful. Saying that it will definitively kill more this year than the coronavirus is only speculation. You have no data to back this claim. Perhaps taking appropriate caution regarding both is the proper response.

    1. says: April Joy

      I agree with the actions our city has taken. I am especially worried because I am one of the people with a serious chronic illness. Whatever I need to do is a must as it is for others with chronic illnesses and anyone at a higher risk.
      I’ve thought about the small business owner who provide us with much more than their products. Their willingness to go over and above to make us happy, taking the extra effort to make our special occasions extra special, remembering who we are, what we like and all the other “personalized” services they provide us with.
      The best thing we can do is support those businesses that need the extra support and when those businesses reopen support them as much as we can. Seek them out first. Consider volunteering just a little bit of time if they need help to get them back up and running. This is how we can show our appreciation now and hopefully in the very near future. Maybe there are some things we can do now to help when the time comes. I’m going to save my empty cleaning spray bottles. Spray cleaners are very costly vs. buying a large jug of concentrated cleaner. Just a thought.
      No, I don’t own a business. I do have a few places that I frequent and would like to be able to do so again whenever this is over and most importantly, “help them survive” this pandemic!
      Kindness goes a long way right now.

  5. says: UrConscience

    Where is the 50 billion allocated for healthcare Trump said that would ensure no one would have to pay tobget tested and for paid leave? Where? What is the useless dinosaur pratt governor doing?

  6. says: Read the Facts from Experts

    My understanding reading and hearing information from the medical experts is that the rate of death from Corona is much higher than flu, SARS, MERS and some of the other viruses that have been spread around in recent years. The absolute number of flu deaths is misleading in that 1) we do not know the full numbers of people who have corona since many have minor symptoms, 2) the tests have not been widely available to confirm cases 3) it is very easily spread and 4) it is sneaky in that it can take two weeks for symptoms to show up and in the meantime a carrier may spread it to many people. I find that for the numbers of highly competent, experienced professionals like Dr. Fauci to put his reputation on the line, they just might know way more than us non-professionals. I don’t know about you, but the reason I go to doctors is that they know one helluva lot more than I do.

  7. says: Imran

    Flu is endamic and CV is pandemic. CV does not have vaccine nor antivirul meds. Mass infection can lead millions to die in short amount of time, even mortality is just around 2%.

  8. says: James Bullington

    Hey Urconscience, your not getting any of it you moron. It comming from Congress not the president. There are no free lunches. Its for sick people. Get a job!

    1. says: Antonio

      Hey James, god you’re so smart, just get a job. Wow seriously how the hell the federal government hasn’t found you yet it astounding.

      But seriously moron, as a business owner (restaurant and construction company), just cause my employees have a job means I have to pay them even if cities are closing (which means no inspections and work stops) and all officials are saying to avoid restaurants and bars. Where’s that money coming from?

      I have about 4,500 a day in payroll. So how about that, looks like your loser simp self is the one looking for a free lunch. If your employer isn’t making money you say well I got a job is I’m getting paid. And what lay you off to become a burden of the state collecting unemployment hell no get laid off and then go find a job loser.

      Try building something and running it and having people rely on you instead of being a leech to the system.

  9. says: Robert

    This is destroying small businesses in our city, which will result in job losses for our citzens. When this over reaction is all said and done, the financial damage will be great . This type of over reaction by our leaders is keeping this going and growing.

  10. says: Common sense

    This is a NEW virus. This can potentially kill older people and others who are to sick to obtain vaccines. I’m so disappointed in the way this community is acting calling this a hoax and propaganda. You have zero idea how this can ruin someone’s life.

    This is not an overreaction, this is necessary to prevent an addittional disease to the U.S.

    Get a job? You should consider getting an education while at home. Pull it together.

  11. says: Wendy Anne

    Now is when we need to think not only of ourselves but others. Let’s stop name and insult calling and look around you and think who could benefit a kind words, a genuine smile a hopeful comment, anything positive . let’s all get together for good. Please can we all be nice.

  12. says: Simple

    Take this seriously pay attention to what’s going on around you and get informed. Multiple cities are in a state of disaster for a reason. If you are not concerned for yourself then be concerned for your loved ones. Some people may not show any symptoms and still be infected. I’m no doctor but I’m assuming that we have not seen the worst of what’s to come. The next few weeks are important so take them seriously. I’m not freaking out just taking precautions.

  13. says: Sabrina

    I am not opining on whether or not these containment actions are overreacting, political hype, etc. What I AM legitimately wondering is why these precautions are not done for the flu season as well— which endangers high-risk populations (elderly, children, immune-compromised, etc) every year and roughly only half the adult population gets vaccinated. Just because the yearly flu isn’t novel doesn’t mean it doesn’t also take a toll on public health (whether from lost work days or serious complications and death)?

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