Eighth-grader Piper Meyer was on a mission. The Schimelpfenig Middle School student and National Junior Honor Society chapter president recently led an effort to help those with cancer. She recruited fellow students and volunteers to help her assemble 100 Wipe Out Kids Cancer “buddy bags.”
These bags are given to children admitted to the hospital with a cancer diagnosis to cover their family’s needs during their first week at the hospital. They are sturdy rolling suitcases filled with over 30 items including basic toiletries, electronics, coloring books, games/toys, food vouchers, pillows, blankets, chargers, and other comfort items.

Buddy bags hold a special place in Piper’s heart. Her sister, Lucy Meyer, once received one when she was admitted to the hospital for cancer treatments and tests.
Around 250 students worked in shifts to complete the buddy bags in just a few hours. Piper thanked everyone who gave up part of their Saturday to help with the effort. She also recognized National Junior Honor Society advisor Shelby Rose and principal Kristen Kinnard for their help as well.
To learn more about Wipe Out Kids’ Cancer and how to become involved, visit the website at www.wokc.org. Facebook @WipeOutKidsCancer and Instagram @wokc