There are approximately 48 million people with hearing loss in the United States, yet only about 500 thousand people know ASL, or American Sign Language. While there are many factors that play into this, one is access to classes and instructors who know the language.
ASL is a complete language spoken by “utilizing signs made by moving the hands combined with facial expressions and postures of the body,” according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders.
Even with only half a million speakers, ASL is the third most “spoken” language in the United States, behind English and Spanish. This summer, you can join these signers and support the hard of hearing, deaf, and others who utilize ASL by taking classes through Plano Parks & Recreation.
The classes will be held at Oak Point Recreation Center in Room C from noon to 1 p.m. on Fridays from June 10 to July 29.
Students will learn beginning signs, phrases and conversational ASL from instructor James Clark. Registration for the class can be done online and costs $65 for Plano residents and $69 for non-residents. Seniors aged 60 or older get 10% off. Students must be 16 or older to participate.