To bring a little bit of fun and live music back to our community, Plano Magazine is hosting Drive-By Concerts in Plano and surrounding neighborhoods. What exactly does that mean? Blue Circle Media has outfitted the bed of a pick-up truck with a small stage and speakers. A local musician stands in the back, singing and playing guitar as the truck drives slowly through the neighborhood.
Families sit on their own front porch or lawn to listen. Social distancing rules and local laws are followed, and everyone gets to enjoy a little live music. The concert is provided free to the neighborhood.
The #drivebyconcert series is made possible with support from Ovation Health & Life Services, an employee benefits consulting firm and broker that plans and manages healthcare programs for employers of all sizes. Ovation can help control and reduce costs while providing a better experience for your business and employees, as well as increasing the quality of care your employees receive. Find more information online.
Request a Concert
To request a Plano Magazine #drivebyconcert in your neighborhood, please have a representative from your neighborhood’s HOA email with the following information:
- Your neighborhood’s name
- An address of the entrance to your neighborhood
- A street map of the homes in your HOA
If your neighborhood doesn’t have an HOA, it’s okay. We just need to know that you have a Facebook group, Nextdoor group, email chain or other way to get the information out to the majority of your neighbors.
Please allow 3-4 days for a response. We typically cannot schedule concerts within a week’s time from your request. We will travel outside Plano within a reasonable distance.
Local musician Cameron Havens performed the first few Drive-By Concerts:
Not everyone enjoys “free, live music.” I appreciate the sentiment, but one of the most annoying features of urban (or even suburban) life is having to listen to other people’s music. Part of the problem is that modern music stinks. People have no musical taste, the lyrics are trite, the stories are insipid, the melodies are banal and the voices are garbled. It’s just noise to a beat, usually at an entirely obnoxious volume. It’s no wonder that people are out of their minds, listening to this stuff all day! So, please, no thank you.
Man, close your door fool.
Seriously it’s for two hours. Stay inside you grump! The rest of us are enjoying being neighborly and having some fun.
Wow! That’s all I can say is WOW. Are all my neighbors this rude?
Ok Boomer. It was a lovely performance and our family and neighbors in our neighborhood thoroughly enjoyed it. Music of all kinds brings people together. No one says you have to leave your house and listen if your neighborhood is lucky enough to participate. If you read the article you’d know it was 2-3 songs before the truck moves on to another part of the block. It’s not like they set up a concert for hours right outside your house. Crawl back under your rock.
What a wonderful idea! So encouraging. I just drove by and thought someone was being serenaded so I had to look it up. Thanks for thinking of something so simple but encouraging!