Q&A with Plano Police Officer Chris Jones

At the heart of Plano, you’ll find unsung citizens doing extraordinary things. Soft-spoken and congenial, Detective Chris Jones is the Plano Police Department Family Violence Unit’s first line of defense against domestic and sexual abuse.

Chris, tell me about your job.
My job consists of investigating crimes that occur in the family. They include domestic abuse in the home and physical and sexual abuse of children inside the home.

How did you get started?
I’ve been a police officer for 23 years, and my dad was a police officer – normally that kind of runs in the family for some reason. I started in a little town called Dennison, Texas, for about seven years, and then in 2000 I got a job here. I worked in a patrol division until 2002, and then I worked in narcotics until 2008. At that time there was an opening in the family violence unit.

What surprises you the most about this job?
When I took the job, I had been an officer for 15 years, and I was still naïve about abuse and how many people are affected by it. I come from an era where spouses just didn’t report domestic violence. It was kept inside the home.

Detective Chris Jones serves our community at the Children’s Advocacy Center of Collin County

When you see that much abuse, how do you keep going?
I guess it becomes one of those things where you go home knowing that you’ve helped and you know eventually down the road they’re going to look at the work you did and be thankful for it. They’re going be out of the situation they were in.

If you had something you’re most proud of, what would it be?
When you go to the police in these abuse situations, whether it’s an adult or child, they’re at their weakest point. Being able to empower them is probably the most fulfilling part of the job.

Explain Collin County’s approach to family violence.
The Plano Police Department and the Collin County District Attorney’s office go above and beyond in my opinion. Once a report is made to our department, we have victim advocates that are also there to assist. They do what they can to make the process as easy as they can for the victim.

If somebody is going through an abusive situation, what would you want them to know?
I would want them to know if they contact our department, we’re not going to pressure them. We’re going to work in their best interest. We want people to tell their story how they want to tell their story, when they want to tell it. It goes back to empowering people. When they’re ready to talk, we’ll be there for them. And, if you see somebody you think is being abused, call us at any time. At no point are we going to ignore those kinds of calls.

Plano Victim’s Assistance: 972-941-2680
In an emergency situation, call: 911.

Plano Victim's Assistance Website >
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