New year, new opportunities at PPL!
Sign Language storytime, fencing demonstrations, weaving workshops, citizenship classes… for free? From preschool to professional, Plano Public Library (PPL) has something for everyone. Not interested in reading? No biggie – we’re #morethanbooks! See what’s happening this month at the five public libraries near you.

1. Bookmark Contest
(ages 5+)
Gather your drawing tools and creativity: Our annual Bookmark Contest has begun! Entries are accepted through Feb. 9, and you can pick up an entry form from any of the five Plano Public Libraries or download one online. There are winners in five categories, and winners will receive a gift card and have their winning bookmark printed and distributed across Plano. This contest is sponsored by Friends of Plano Public Library.
2. Year-Round Storytime
(ages 0-100)
Starting Jan. 8, PPL is going year-round with our storytime! Storytime promotes early literacy and school readiness, and without breaks between sessions, you and your family can continue talking, singing, reading, writing and playing with us all year long. With 38 weekly storytimes broken down by age range, there is something for the whole family. Check the Library Reading Readiness Storytime calendar for times and locations.
3. Chinese for Beginners
(ages 18+)
If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to learn a new language, start with Chinese at PPL. Beginning Thursday, Jan. 11, and meeting weekly at Haggard Library through Feb. 15 at 7 p.m., learn the basics of Chinese, covering topics such as greetings, numbers, time and dates, money and shopping.
4. Cook the Book: English Tea
(ages 18+)
Get your taste buds ready – it’s tea time! If you love to browse cookbooks and try new things, our Cook the Book book club is perfect for you. On Jan. 16, we are exploring English Tea and all the accompaniments. Stop by the library to pick out a recipe and bring your prepared dish to share and eat with others. Cook the Book meets monthly on the third Tuesday at 1 p.m. at Davis Library.
5. Audio Editing and Podcasting
(ages 12-18)
Ever wonder how audio equipment works and how to produce a podcast? Teens in grades 6-12 can learn the basics of audio editing to make your own podcast at the Teen Digital Creation Space at Haggard Library on Sunday, Jan. 21 at 2 p.m. Space is limited, so show up 30 minutes prior to get a ticket.
If you live in Plano, getting a card is easy – and free! Head to any of the five public libraries, bring proof of address and fill out a quick application. In minutes you’ll have immediate access to hundreds of thousands of learning and recreational reading and watching materials, daily programming, and online resources for your personal or professional life.
Plano Public Library Locations and Programs >