Join the largest green gathering bringing people together to inform and inspire action towards are more sustainable future.
EarthX’s 12th annual Earth Day celebration includes four days of exhibits, learning and interactive experiences, outdoor activities, conferences, entertainment, music and food that provides achievable solutions for a more sustainable globe. Earthx2022 brings together environmental citizens, educators, youth advocates, business executives, non-government organizations and thought leaders to take action towards a more sustainable future worldwide.
Earthx2022 features more than 100 exhibitors including the Dallas Cowboys, Half Price Books, the Nature Conservancy and Rainforest Trust, and so many more!
The Congress of Conferences cultivates relationships and forms partnerships between mission-driven advocates, investors, accelerators, researchers, academics and other concerned world citizens. The conference aims to inform, promote and initiate activities that facilitate environmental initiatives with a substantial positive impact on the planet and all living things. This year’s topics include energy; law; Latin America; wildlife conservation; farm, forest and ranch; E-Capital Summit; islands and a Corporate Impact Summit.
Also, Earthx2022 is the exclusive host for a series of global thought leader events structured around the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG). This includes the UNSDG Media Summit, Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Global Youth Summit, and the Family Office for Sustainable Development (UNFOSD) Summit, as announced at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, Scotland.
YOUNGO is the Official Youth Constituency of the UNFCCC will co-host its 2022 Global Youth Summit at Earthx2022 and features 100 youth climate leaders from around the world.
The UNSDG Media Summit is the exclusive nonprofit media partner for Don’t Choose Extinction, the UN Development Program’s signature climate campaign to end fossil fuel subsidies. The UNSDG Media Summit will showcase and celebrate Don’t Choose Extinction along with several other UN media campaigns.
The UNFOSD convenes its inaugural summit, focusing on financing projects and developing public-private partnerships that help governments and innovators achieve climate mitigation and climate change adaptation goals.
EarthxTV is a 24/7 TV, video-on-demand, mobile app and streaming platform is free and promotes conservation and sustainability that celebrates people, places and cultures that make our planet worth protecting. A non-profit, ad supported network that supports the EarthX mission of reaching people around the globe with sustainable solutions to environmental challenges.
Tune in to unique, exclusive, award-winning shows from climate change, to biodiversity, sustainability, community and more. EarthxTV offers 300+ hours of amazing discussions with world leaders and award-winning films that’s entertaining and informative.
The Earthx2022 Expo is being presented April 20-24 at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas. Admission is free; for more information, visit
earthx.orgThe above post is sponsored content.