You could say women are having a moment. The proverbial glass ceiling is irreparably cracked, and the gap between male and female wages is slowly narrowing. One of the fairer sex is (finally) in contention for the highest office in the land, and being curvy, skinny, bossy, opinionated, introverted, frizzy-haired, quirky—or basically different in any way from the prevailing definition of the female ideal— is now a point of celebration, not derision.
But getting to this point hasn’t been easy, and it didn’t happen overnight.
Just ask any of the seven women in our list of local female mavericks. These are women who’ve been toiling relentlessly with little regard for acclaim or celebrity, shaping our community from their various platforms and making life in Plano better. They embody the traits of what it means to be a Girl Boss: independence, irreverence, individualism, badassness, fierceness and moxie.
Here are their stories.
Photos by Jennifer Shertzer