Plano Fire-Rescue Chief Sam Greif has been tabbed as the next chairman of the International Association of Fire Chiefs’ (IAFC) Terrorism & Homeland Securing Committee. The committee is made up of fire and emergency service leaders who advise the IAFC and policy makers on how to prepare for potential terrorist attacks. Among its accomplishments are creating resources like the “Terrorism Response Checklist and Guide” to improve the fire and emergency service’s preparedness and response to terrorist acts. It has also provided input to the federal government and governmental agencies on legislation and policies designed to protect the general public.
Greif has served as the Plano fire chief since 2015. He joined the IAFC committee in 2016 and previously chaired its subcommittee on cybersecurity.
“While the overarching goal of the Terrorism & Homeland Security Committee is to keep the American public safe, the focus of this prestigious group is developing best practices for the prevention, response, and mitigation of terroristic activities,” he said in a statement announcing his appointment. “I am honored to be a part of this group and will represent Plano and Plano Fire- Rescue to the best of my ability.”
Grief’s first act as chair will be leading the committee’s meeting in Charlotte, N.C. later this month.