Hope’s Door New Beginning Center (HDNBC) offers intervention and prevention services to individuals and families affected by intimate partner and family violence; in addition, it provides education programs that enhance the community’s capacity to respond. Due to the pandemic, individuals at risk are stuck inside with potentially abusive family members, and the additional stress has caused domestic violence to rise. Hope’s Door New Beginning Center navigates these factors affecting its clients.
“Our shelter is still fully operational, and we are doing all we can to create social distancing at the shelter. Clients that aren’t in the shelter are still able to access our 24/7 hotline as well as immediate crisis intervention,” said CEO Christina Coultas.
HDNBC has seen the direct impact of a shut-down economy through its clients’ experiences. Many clients were transitioning from needing shelter services to job readiness, and hoping to move out on their own. All of that has been put on hold as most companies are not hiring, stores are closed and apartment-hunting is difficult.
Compounding this, domestic violence continues to occur but is not likely to be reported since people are stuck in their homes. HDNBC staff continues to check on clients regularly, to ensure personal safety and evaluate if a need exists for immediate crisis intervention.
How You Can Help:
HDNBC welcomes monetary donations through its website, as well as donations of cleaning supplies and protective equipment. Donations of prepared meals or restaurant gift cards are helpful for its two shelters. If you’d like to prepare a meal for one of its shelters, HDNBC will offer ingredients from its food pantry.
If You Need Help:
If you are – or think you might be – in an abusive relationship, know that you are not alone; it is not your fault and help is available. Call the 24-hour hotline at 972-276-0057.
Hope’s Door New Beginning Center >
Hope’s Door New Beginning Center
860 F Ave Suite 100
Plano TX 75074
Another way you can lend financial support to the Plano community is through participating in North Texas Giving Day Now on May 5. You’ll be able to donate to the nonprofit of your choice anytime between now and May 5.
North Texas Giving Day Now >